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Journal of Sociology

Journal of Sociology

Published in Association with The Australian Sociological Association
Other Titles in:
Cultural Studies | Sociology

eISSN: 17412978 | ISSN: 14407833 | Current volume: 60 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly

The Journal of Sociology Best Paper Award is given to the paper that the Editorial Team considers best encapsulates broad readership appeal, sound methods, and whose theory advances our understanding of sociology.

We are pleased to announce that the 2022 Best Paper Award is awarded to Yoko Kanemasu and Asenati Liki: “Let fa’afafine shine like diamonds”: Balancing accommodation, negotiation and resistance in gender-nonconforming Samoans’ counter-hegemony.

Journal of Sociology is the official journal of The Australian Sociological Association. It carries peer refereed articles of sociological research and theory on issues of interest to Australian sociology and aims to promote dialogue and exchange between Australian sociologists and the international community of sociology.

All issues of Journal of Sociology are available to browse online.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


The Journal of Sociology strives to publish original, high quality sociological scholarship in all its forms. We are committed to showcasing theory as well as applied sociology, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative research. We welcome interdisciplinary pieces with concerns that are sociological in nature, in an acknowledgment that sociological thinking takes place across a range of disciplines, such as in cultural, gender and organisation studies, and outside of the academy. The Journal engages in critical debate, through the development of special editions, book reviews, a commitment to emerging scholars and commentary on pressing issues. While the Journal is based in the Southern Hemisphere, and wishes to showcase intellectual works from the Asia-Pacific region, including Indigenous scholarship, we encourage submissions from across the globe.

Editor in Chief
Associate Professor Helen Forbes-Mewett Monash University, Australia
Book Review Editor
Dr Charishma Ratnam Deakin University, Australia
Managing Editor
Faiza Yasmeen Monash University, Australia
Associate Editors
Dr Nicholas Hookway University of Tasmania, Australia
Dr Ashley Humphrey Federation University, Australia
Dr Pei-Chun Ko Monash University, Australia
Professor JaneMaree Maher Monash University, Australia
Dr Naomi Pfitzner Monash University, Australia
Dr Charishma Ratnam Deakin University, Australia
Dr Brady Robards Monash University, Australia
Dr Allegra Schermuly Monash University, Australia
Professor Neil Selwyn Monash University, Australia
Associate Professor Yolande Strengers Monash University, Australia
Dr Claire Tanner Monash University, Australia
National Expert Advisory Board
Sharyn Roach Anleu Flinders University, Australia
Raewyn Connell University of Sydney, Australia
Christopher Deeming University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK
Michael Gilding Flinders University, Australia
Professor Catherine Gomes RMIT, Australia
Kate Huppatz Western Sydney University, Australia
Deborah Lupton University of New South Wales, Australia
Alphia Possamai-Inesedy Western Sydney University, Australia
Rob Stones Western Sydney University, Australia
Mark Western University of Queensland, Australia
Rob White University of Tasmania, Australia
Dan Woodman University of Melbourne, Australia
Johanna Wyn University of Melbourne, Australia
International Editorial Board
Peter Beilharz Sichuan University, China
Manuela Boatca Universität Freiburg, Germany
Sharon Bong Monash University, Malaysia
Craig Calhoun University Professor of Social Sciences, Arizona State University, USA / Centennial Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Rebecca Coleman Goldsmiths University of London, UK
Kevin Dew Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Jan Willem Duyvendak University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nicholas Gane University of Warwick, UK
Rosalind Gill City, University of London, UK
Michelle Harris University at Albany, SUNY, USA
Lani V. Jones University at Albany, SUNY, USA
Joanna Kidman Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Steve Mathewman University of Auckland, New Zealand
Steven Ratuva University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Mike Savage London School of Economics, UK
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    3. Separate multiple citations by semicolons: The professions are the subject of considerable sociological attention (e.g., Chagnon 1994; Lorber 1992; Vassiliou 1999).

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    List all items cited in the text alphabetically by author and for each author, by year of publication in an appendix titled References. List all authors by name - do not use et al. or ampersands (&). For example:

    Burke, M. (2002) 'Global Boom and Bust Following the World Trade Centre Collapse', Journal of Sociology 38: 135-51.

    Shaw, M. J. (2000) Life as a Graduate Student in Australian Universities. London: Sage.

    Thompson, M. and J. Smith (1999) 'Gender and Wealth: Beyond the Patterns and the Paradox', pp. 156-87 in J. Montague (ed.) Wealth in Australia: Sociological Concepts and Issues, 2nd edn. Sydney: Prentice Hall.

    If you would like to discuss your article with the editors prior to submission, please contact the managing editor: Faiza Yasmeen, E-mail:

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