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International Migration Review

International Migration Review

Published in Association with Center for Migration Studies

eISSN: 17477379 | ISSN: 01979183 | Current volume: 58 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

International Migration Review is an interdisciplinary journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects of sociodemographic, historical, economic, political, legislative, spatial, social, and cultural aspects of human mobility. Since its founding by the Congregation- of Saint Charles-Scalabrinians in 1964, it has been internationally regarded as the principal journal in the field facilitating the study of human migration, ethnic group relations, and refugee movements. Through an interdisciplinary approach and from an international perspective, IMR provides the single most comprehensive forum devoted exclusively to the analysis and review of international population movements. It seeks manuscripts that speak to issues of relevance across the social sciences and to wider policy and societal debates concerning international migration, as well as manuscripts that push existing understandings of international migration in new methodological, empirical, and conceptual directions.

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International Migration Review is an interdisciplinary journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects of sociodemographic, historical, economic, political, legislative, spatial, social, and cultural aspects of human mobility. Since its founding by the Congregation of Saint Charles-Scalabrinians in 1964, it has been internationally regarded as the principal journal in the field facilitating the study of human migration, ethnic group relations, and refugee movements. Through an interdisciplinary approach and from an international perspective, IMR provides the single most comprehensive forum devoted exclusively to the analysis and review of international population movements. It seeks manuscripts that speak to issues of relevance across the social sciences and to wider policy and societal debates concerning international migration, as well as manuscripts that push existing understandings of international migration in new methodological, empirical, and conceptual directions.


International Migration Review, migration, immigration, refugee, ethnic studies, racial studies, international, global, movements, population, demography, demographics, international relations, conflict, peace studies, war, forced migration, governance

Holly Reed Queens College, City University of New York, USA
Associate Editors
Pieter Bevelander Malmö University, Sweden
Fenella Fleischmann University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mariana Gkliati Tilburg University, Netherlands
Kim Korinek University of Utah, USA
Liangni Sally Liu Massey University, New Zealand
Claudia Masferrer El Colegio de México, Mexico
Arnfinn H. Midtbøen University of Oslo, Norway
Juan Pedroza University of California-Santa Cruz, USA
Guanyu Jason Ran Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom
Erik R. Vickstrom US Census Bureau, USA
Book Review Editor
Aryan Karimi University of British Columbia, Canada
Editorial Board
John Anarfi University of Ghana, Ghana
Asad L. Asad Stanford University, USA
Oliver Bakewell University of Manchester, UK
Rev. Renato Graziano Battistella Scalabrini Migration Center, Philippines
Cris Beauchemin Institut National Etudes Démographiques, France
Irene H. Bloemraad University of British Columbia, Canada
Monica Boyd University of Toronto, Canada
Jørgen Carling Peace Research Institute Oslo, Norway
Barry R. Chiswick George Washington University, USA
Phillip Connor, USA
Katharine M. Donato Georgetown University, USA
Nancy Foner Hunter College, CUNY Graduate Center, USA
Eric Fong University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Christian Joppke University of Bern, Switzerland
Donald Kerwin Center for Migration Studies, USA
Ellen Percy Kraly Colgate University, USA
Alan Kraut American University, USA
Gracia Liu-Farrer Waseda University, Japan
Philip Martin University of California, Davis, USA
Valentina Mazzucato Maastricht University, Netherlands
Cecilia Menjivar University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Pyong Gap Min Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, USA
Hiroshi Motomura University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Pia Orrenius Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, USA
Alejandro Portes University of Miami, USA
Rubén G. Rumbaut University of California, Irvine, USA
Charles Mario Russell Center for Migration Studies, USA
Audrey Singer Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, USA
Ronald Skeldon Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Thomas Soehl McGill University, Canada
Phi Hong Su Williams College, USA
Kevin Thomas University of Texas at Austin, USA
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations (emeritus), and San Nicola in Carcere, Italy
Mary C. Waters Harvard University, USA
Jamie Winders Syracuse University, USA
Biao Xiang Oxford University, UK
Brenda S.A. Yeoh National University of Singapore, Singapore
Madeline Zavodny University of North Florida, USA
Yu Zhu Fujian Normal University, China
Ayman Zohry The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Editorial Office
Bonnie H. Ip Center for Migration Studies, USA
  • CABI
  • Clarivate Analytics: Social Science Citation Index
  • ProQuest
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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