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Evolutionary Psychology

Evolutionary Psychology

Five Volume Set
Edited by:

September 2016 | 1 752 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Evolutionary psychology has close links to Charles Darwin and the idea that the theory of evolution can help us understand individual and social development. In recent years, this field has developed rapidly with the input from neuroscience and neuropsychology and has therefore seen steady growth in terms of research and literature published. 

In this timely collection, Robert Kurzban presents key readings in this burgeoning field. The collection is organized thematically, with volumes dedicated to five fundamental areas:

·         Conceptual foundations

·         Relationships: relatives, mates and allies

·         Cooperation and competition

·         Culture, learning and development

·         The biology of evolutionary psychology


Part One: Foundations
Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture, Part I: Theoretical Considerations

John Tooby and Leda Cosmides
Evolutionary Psychology: A New Paradigm for Psychological Science

David Buss
Human Evolutionary Psychology and Animal Behaviour

Martin Daly and Margo Wilson
A Critique of Darwinian Anthropology

Donald Symons
Part Two: EEA
Adaptively Relevant Environments versus the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness

William Irons
Part Three: Modularity
The Evolution of Intelligence and Access to the Cognitive Unconscious

Paul Rozin
Modularity in Cognition: Framing the Debate

H. Clark Barrett and Robert Kurzban
Functional Specificity in the Human Brain: A Window into the Functional Architecture of the Mind

Nancy Kanwisher
Part Four: Epistemology
Are Evolutionary Explanations Unfalsifiable? Evolutionary Psychology and the Lakatosian Philosophy of Science

Timothy Ketelaar and Bruce Ellis
Part Five: Sexual Selection
How Mate Choice Shaped Human Nature: A Review of Sexual Selection and Human Evolution

Geoffrey Miller
Part One: Kin Selection and Humans
Discriminative Parental Solicitude: A Biological Perspective

Martin Daly and Margo Wilson
The Architecture of Human Kin Detection

Debra Lieberman, John Tooby and Leda Cosmides
Part Two: Mate Choice and Attraction
Sex Differences in Human Mate Preferences: Evolutionary Hypotheses Tested in 37 Cultures

David Buss
Part Three: Faces and Aesthetics
Facial Attractiveness: Evolutionary Based Research

Anthony Little, Benedict Jones and Lisa DeBruine`
The Evolution of Human Physical Attractiveness

Steven Gangestad and Glenn Scheyd
Adaptive Significance of Female Physical Attractiveness: Role of Waist-to-Hip Ratio

Devendra Singh
Aesthetic Fitness: How Sexual Selection Shaped Artistic Virtuosity as a Fitness Indicator and Aesthetic Preferences as Mate Choice Criteria

Geoffrey Miller
Part Four: Friendship and Alliances
The Social Brain: Mind, Language, and Society in Evolutionary Perspective

Robin Dunbar
Co-residence Patterns in Hunter-Gatherer Societies Show Unique Human Social Structure

Kim Hill et al.
The Alliance Hypothesis for Human Friendship

Peter DeScioli and Robert Kurzban
Part Five: Social Strategy and Theory of Mind
Machiavellianism: A Synthesis of the Evolutionary and Psychological Literatures

David Sloan Wilson, David Near and Ralph Miller
The Theory of Mind Impairment in Autism: Evidence for a Modular Mechanism of Development?

Alan Leslie
Part Six: Emotions
Evolutionary Explanations of Emotions

Randolph Nesse
Formidability and the Logic of Human Anger

Aaron Sell, John Tooby and Leda Cosmides
Part One: Cooperation in Dyads
The Evolution of Cooperation

Robert Axelrod and William Hamilton
Adaptive Specializations, Social Exchange, and the Evolution of Human Intelligence

Leda Cosmides, H. Clark Barrett and John Tooby
Evolution of Cooperation through Indirect Reciprocity

Olof Leimar and Peter Hammerstein
Part Two: Cooperation in Groups
Culture and the Evolution of Human Cooperation

Robert Boyd and Peter Richerson
Food Sharing among Ache Foragers: Tests of Explanatory Hypotheses

Hillard Kaplan et al.
The Content of Our Cooperation, Not the Color of Our Skin: An Alliance Detection System Regulates Categorization by Coalition and Race, But Not Sex

David Pietraszewski, Leda Cosmides and John Tooby
Part Three: Competition
Violence against Stepchildren

Martin Daly and Margo Wilson
The Evolutionary Psychology of Men's Coercive Sexuality

Randy Thornhill and Nancy Thornhill
Evolutionary Origins of Stigmatization: The Functions of Social Exclusion

Robert Kurzban and Mark Leary
Part Four: Morality
Intuitive Ethics: How Innately Prepared Intuitions Generate Culturally Variable Virtues

Jonathan Haidt and Craig Joseph
A Solution to the Mysteries of Morality

Peter DeScioli and Robert Kurzban
Part One: Culture
The Cultural Niche: Why Social Learning Is Essential for Human Adaptation

Robert Boyd, Peter Richerson and Joseph Henrich
Evolutionary Psychology and Cultural Transmission

Pascal Boyer
The Cognitive Foundations of Cultural Stability and Diversity

Dan Sperber and Lawrence Hirschfeld
Life Histories, Blood Revenge, and Warfare in a Tribal Population

Napoleon Chagnon
Part Two: Social Learning
Social Learning in Animals: Empirical Studies and Theoretical Models

Bennett Galef and Kevin Laland
The Cognitive Niche: Coevolution of Intelligence, Sociality, and Language

Steven Pinker
The Evolution of Conformist Transmission and the Emergence of Between-Group Differences

Joe Henrich and Robert Boyd
Part Three: Development
The Replacement of General-Purpose Learning Models with Adaptively Specialized Learning Modules

Charles Gallistel
Child Development and Evolutionary Psychology

David Bjorklund and Anthony Pellegrini
Core Knowledge

Elizabeth Spelke and Katherine Kinzler
Part Four: Life History Theory
Trade-Offs between Female Food Acquisition and Child Care among Hiwi and Ache Foragers

A. Magdalena Hurtado, Kim Hill, Ines Hurtado and Hillard Kaplan
A Theory of Human Life History Evolution: Diet, Intelligence, and Longevity

Hillard Kaplan, Kim Hill, Jane Lancaster and A. Magdalena Hurtado
Does Father Absence Place Daughters at Special Risk for Early Sexual Activity and Teenage Pregnancy?

Bruce Ellis et al.
Part One: Hormones
Testosterone and Dominance in Men

Allan Mazur and Alan Booth
Preferences across the Menstrual Cycle for Masculinity and Symmetry in Photographs of Male Faces and Bodies

Marianne Peters, Leigh Simmons and Gillian Rhodes
Menstrual Cycle Variation in Women's Preferences for the Scent of Symmetrical Men

Steven Gangestad and Randy Thornhill
Behavioral and Hormonal Responses of Men to Brief Interactions with Women

James Roney, Stephen Mahler and Dario Maestripieri
Part Two: Neuroscience
Frontal Lobe Contributions to Theory of Mind

Valerie Stone, Simon Baron-Cohen and Robert Knight
Prosopagnosia as an Impairment to Face-Specific Mechanisms Elimination of the Alternative Hypotheses in a Developmental Case

Bradley Duchaine, Galit Yovel, Edward Butterworth and Ken Nakayama
Part Three: Genetics
On the Universality of Human Nature and the Uniqueness of the Individual: The Role of Genetics and Adaptation

John Tooby and Leda Cosmides
Part Four: Medicine
The Dawn of Darwinian Medicine

George Williams and Randolph Nesse
Antimicrobial Functions of Spices: Why Some Like It Hot

Jennifer Billing and Paul Sherman
Morning Sickness: A Mechanism for Protecting Mother and Embryo

Samuel Flaxman and Paul Sherman
Toward a General Evolutionary Theory of Oncogenesis

Paul Ewald and Holly Swain Ewald