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ECNU Review of Education

ECNU Review of Education

Published in Association with East China Normal University
eISSN: 26321742 | ISSN: 20965311 | Current volume: 7 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

ECNU Review of Education (ROE) is an international, peer-reviewed journal established by the East China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai, China. This open-access journal seeks to facilitate in-depth dialogues among various stakeholders, and build a global community of scholars. ECNU sponsors the journal by covering open-access article processing charge (APC), so there is no APC for the authors.

Submission information

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This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

ECNU Review of Education (ROE) is an international, peer-reviewed journal established by the East China Normal University (ECNU) in Shanghai, China. This open-access journal aims to publish research syntheses and cutting-edge research related to current educational issues in China and abroad. The journal encourages submission of articles that use interdisciplinary perspectives and exhibit contextual sensitivity.

The journal seeks to build a global community of scholars interested in advancing knowledge, generating big ideas, inducing deep changes, and exerting real impact in education.

The journal accepts empirical and conceptual papers, integrated research reviews, and scoping reviews, policy reviews, and voices. It is interested in scholarship that theorizes educational experiences in the non-English speaking contexts and timely reviews of important educational researches, policies, and issues. It also welcomes proposals for themed group articles from large-scale research or emerging interests.

• Research review: These provide syntheses of empirical scholarship or educational theory. ROE especially welcomes the following types of review works:
    - Scoping review of emerging issues, theories, and methodologies. 
    - Research reviews from non-English speaking regions.
    - Interdisciplinary perspectives and reviews.
    - Cross-cultural and cross-contexts reviews.

• Research Article: These present original and thought-provoking analyses of educational phenomena. Both empirical and conceptual papers are welcomed.

• Policy review: These provide readers with critical and timely overviews of important education policy developments in China and the world. The review should focus on a specific education policy issued in the last two years and include a brief historical background, current development, and its future implications.

• Voices: These are overviews and discussions of the latest educational issues or under-studied perspectives from educational researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers.

Manuscripts dealing with (but not limited to) the following subject areas will be considered for publication:
    • Comparative and international education
    • Education policy
    • Interdisciplinary studies of education
    • Curriculum, instruction, and learning
    • Educational leadership and management 
    • Learning science and technology innovation
    • Teaching and teacher education

Founding Editor-in-Chief
Zhenguo Yuan East China Normal University
Shuangye Chen East China Normal University
Senior Advisory Editors
Bill McDiarmid The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill & East China Normal University
Yong Zhao University of Kansas
Advisory Editor
Marek Tesar The University of Auckland
Associate Editor
Haiyan Qian The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Chen Xie East China Normal University
Executive Associate Editor
Melody Zhang East China Normal University
Managing Editors
Chenxi Gu East China Normal University
Wei Song East China Normal University
Public Information Officer
Melody Zhang East China Normal University
Editorial Board Members
Carole Basile Arizona State University
Ronald A. Beghetto University of Connecticut
Aaron Benavot University at Albany-State University of New York
Dietrich Benner Humboldt University of Berlin
Mark Bray East China Normal University
Hua-Hua Chang Purdue University
Chi-keung Alan Cheung The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lianghuo Fan East China Normal University
Robert Floden Michigan State University
Mark Freeman University College London
Rick Ginsberg The University of Kansas
Carlos González Ugalde Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Mingyuan Gu Beijing Normal University
Alma Harris Cardiff Metropolitan University
Akita Kiyomi The University of Tokyo
Yasar Kondakci Middle East Technical University
Moosung Lee University of Canberra
Hui Li Macquarie University
Leslie Nai-kwai Lo Beijing Normal University
Kristi Lonka University of Helsinki
Bruce Macfarlane The Education University of Hong Kong
Simon Marginson University of Oxford
Weifang Min Peking University
Punya Mishra Arizona State University
Izhar Oplatka Tel Aviv University, Israel
Lynn Paine Michigan State University
Michael Peters Beijing Normal University
Thomas S. Popkewitz University of Wisconsin-Madison
David Post The Pennsylvania State University
Gerard A. Postiglione The University of Hong Kong
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson University of Gothenburg
Jeremy Rappleye Kyoto University
Janette Ryan University of Oxford
Manabu Sato The University of Tokyo
Dennis Shirley Boston College
Iveta Silova Arizona State University
Charlene Tan The University of Hong Kong
Joseph Tobin University of Georgia
Allan Walker The Education University of Hong Kong
Weihe Xie Tsinghua University
Rui Yang The University of Hong Kong
Weipeng Yang The Education University of Hong Kong, China
Hongbiao Yin The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Qiquan Zhong East China Normal University
Yisu Zhou University of Macau
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.