Driving With Care: Education and Treatment of the Underage Impaired Driving Offender
An Adjunct Provider's Guide to Driving With Care: Education and Treatment of the Impaired Driving Offender--Strategies for Responsible Living and Change
- Kenneth W. Wanberg - Center for Addictions Research and Evaluation - CARE, Arvada, Colorado
- David S.Timken - Center for Impaired Driving Research and Evaluation
- Harvey B. Milkman - Metropolitan State College of Denver, USA
Section I provides a theoretical foundation for understanding underage impaired driving, including the scope, incidence, and prevalence of the problem and defines the causal and risk factors associated with underage drinking and driving. It also defines and covers legal and regulatory interventions that have been effective for treatment and provides guidelines that enhance the treatment and rehabilitation of this group. Section II provides specific guidelines and enhancements for the delivery of DWC for underage drivers, including activities, handouts, and various assessment tools.
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Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 1 - Theoretical and Conceptual Framework for Understanding Adolescent Pr