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The BACP Counselling Reader

Edited by:

Volume: 1

October 1996 | 656 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Published in association with the British Association for Counselling A comprehensive and stimulating reader, Counseling draws together key material that has been published in Counselling, the journal of the British Association for Counselling, over the past few years. Combining accessible research studies with professional and personal reflections, the reader presents a diverse and authoritative range of articles to cover the central aspects of counseling, including therapeutic approaches; contexts and practice; social, professional, and ethical issues; research; and future trends. Counseling provides direct access to the main theories, practices, and issues that underpin and continue to shape the development of counseling and, in addition, offers an opportunity for reflection on the status and relevance of the counseling field today. This substantive volume brings integral information as well as a sense of the texture of counseling to not only the counseling student but also the experienced professional.

Sue Wheeler and John McLeod
Person-Centred and Psychodynamic Counselling
A Dialogue

Martin Payne
Person-Centred and Systemic Models
David Bott
Systems Theory
Emmy van Deurzen
An Existential Framework
Fay Fransella and Helen Jones
Personal Construct Counselling
Richard Nelson-Jones
The Lifeskills Helping Model
Robert Wubbolding
Reality Therapy
Alex Hossack and Karen Standidge
Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming
James Hemming
The Insights of Alfred Adler
Stephen Palmer and Kasia Szymanska
Cognitive Therapy and Counselling
Stephen Palmer
Multimodal Assessment and Therapy
Jack Gordon and Windy Dryden
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
Stephen Palmer interviews Albert Ellis
In the Counsellor's Chair
Jennifer Mackewn
Modern Gestalt
Sheila Dainow
Uncovering a TA Script with Pictures
Liesl Silverstone
Art Therapy the Person-Centred Way
Merav DeVere
Photographic Images
Sue Emmy Jennings
The Counsel in Drama and Drama in the Counsel
Marcia Karp
Aisha Dupont-Joshua
Intercultural Therapy
Ian R Owen
The Person-Centred Approach in a Cultural Context
Goldi Romm
Loneliness and Aloneness in Groups
Julia Segal
Understanding Reactions to Chronic Illness
Diane Hammersley and Linda Beeley
The Effects of Medication on Counselling
Anne Bentley
Mary Godden
Counselling People with a Disability
Margaret R Morgan
Counselling Skills for Professionals Working with People with Disabilities and Their Families
Hillary Ratna
Counselling Deaf and Hard of Hearing Clients
Peter Reynolds and Tricia Allison
Criminal Assault at Work
Adam Jukes
Working with Men Who Are Violent to Women
Tony Waring and Jim Wilson
The Management of Denial in a Group Programme for Domestic Violence
Colin Weaver
Counselling in a Disaster
Suzanna Rose
Counselling Following Trauma
Philip Burnard
Interpersonal Skills in Nursing
Sue Coles
Counselling in Occupational Therapy
Antony Grey
The Challenge of AIDS
Caz Lack
Gay Bereavement Counselling
Scott Berry
Learning To Live with Life-Threatening Illness
Jed Bland
The Dual-Role Transvestite
Peter Dale
Counselling Adults Abused as Children
Daphne Boddington
The Case for Couple Therapy
John Rowan
The Psychology of Furniture
Ray Woolfe
Finding Meaning in One's Reading
Verena Tschudin
Guilt Is a Useless Emotion
Dorothy Rowe
Depression and Happiness
Colin Feltham
The Place of Suffering in the Universal Scheme of Suffering and Folly
Peter Ross
Counselling and Accountability
Carole Sutton
The Evaluation of Counselling
Ron Wilgosh
How Can We See Where We're Going if We're Always Looking Backwards?
Kay Goddard
In Defence of the Past - A Response to Ron Wilgosh
Alan Frankland
Exploring Accreditation
David L Smith
The Communicative Approach to Supervision
Tim Bond
Counselling Supervision - Ethical Issues
David I Williams
Supervision - A New Word Is Desperately Needed
Pat Justice
How Supervision Relates to Families from Ethnic Minorities
A G Watts
Peter Jenkins
Counselling and the Law
Janice Russell
Breaking Boundaries
Ian Horton and Rowan Bayne
Audio-Tape Recordings in Counsellor Education and Training
Peter Ross
Paperless Client Records
Barbara Traynor and Petr[-]uska Clarkson
What Happens if a Psychotherapist Dies?
Chris Scott
Empathy - Examination of a Crucial Concept
Fergus Cairns
Transference and Counter-Transference
Jane Leslie
Transference in the Adolescent's Relationship with the Counsellor
Tony Merry
Client-Centred Therapy
Trends and Troubles

Alan Naylor-Smith
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Is There a Difference?

Ivan Ellingham
Person-Centred versus Psychodynamic Counselling
Sue Wheeler and Carolyn Hicks
The Role of Research in the Professional Development of Counselling
Geraldine Shipton
Working with Resistance to Research
Michele Crouan
The Contribution of a Research Study toward Improving a Counselling Service
Peter Ross
The Impact of Research upon Practice
John McLeod
The Research Agenda for Counselling
Gillian Thomas
A Counsellor First...
Peter Thomas
Patients' Perceptions of Counselling within General Practice
Michael Reddy
The Counselling Firmament - A Short Trip Round the Galaxy
Windy Dryden
Possible Future Trends in Counselling and Counsellor Training - A Personal View
Ian Horton, Rowan Bayne and Jenny Bimrose
New Directions in Counselling - A Roundtable
Judith Baron
The Development of the British Association for Counselling

`The Reader reflects some of the best work published in Counselling, the Journal of the British Association for Counselling, over the past 15 years. The choice of articles also gives a historical perspective on the development of counselling in Britain... provides many hours of interesting reading and a wealth of learned experience all in one volume. I can see this book becoming recommended reading for counsellor training programmes' - British Psychological Society Counselling Psychology Review

`A huge undertaking and a great success... There are many good things here, and this book is strongly recommended' - Self & Society

`The development of Counselling... is so well illustrated... an interesting book... its component papers are short and can be read free-standing. It would also be a useful addition to libraries where students of counselling are looking for support or challenge for an argument. And, for members of BAC, it is a reminder of the breadth and complexity of the unfolding task of counsellors and their Association' - Counselling, The Journal of the British Association for Counselling

This is an excellent resource for trainers and will inform teaching across a wide variety of subjects.

counselling, Northbrook College
April 26, 2015

This is an invaluable companion for any person embarking on the counselling journey.

Miss Sam Ford
Health and Social Care, South Essex College
August 18, 2015

Provides and overview on lots of issues - very short chapters, not much depth. Useful for starting discussions.

Miss Joanna Sharpen
Children and young people's project, AVA (against violence and abuse)
August 21, 2014

An excellent book, which allows the reader to gain insight into many aspects of counselling. A must read for those in the profession and those wishing to extend their knowledge and understanding of counselling.

Miss Sharron Stillyards
health and social care, northlindsey college
April 1, 2014

Informative and full of wider reading for Counsellors and those interested in the wider elements of counselling.

Mr Chris Briggs
Teac, South Essex College
April 1, 2013

Excellent book covering a large range of issues in counselling. Very few titles offer all these issues in one book.

Dr Clare Graydon
Social Science , Lingnan University
March 19, 2012

Specialised text book. Useful for nursing programmes

Dr Susan Ashton
Faculty of Health and Applied Social Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University
July 20, 2011

Sage College Publishing

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