Corporate Communications
Convention, Complexity and Critique
- Lars Thoeger Christensen - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
- Mette Morsing - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
- George Cheney - University of Colorado, Colarado Springs, USA, University of Colorado, USA, University of Utah, USA, University of Texas, Austin, USA, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA
The authors pose important questions such as:
- Where does the central idea of corporate communications come from?
- What are the underlying assumptions of most corporate communications practices?
- What are the organizational and ethical challenges of attempting truly 'corporate' communication?
'A read that can add value to your messages'
This is a great text for the corporate aspect of marketing communications. It challenges the status quo, and looks at things from a new perspective. A good read, with some parts relevant for critiquing present day marketing practice.
I have found this particular text excellent for students studying, both undergraduate and post graduate marketing, where there is a requirement to focus on Corporate Reputation and its Management. I have also found that students engaged, enjoyed, and benefitted from reading this text, when studying for the CIM Chartered Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing - Managing Corporate Reputation module.
A unique approach to the subject matter enabling students to more easily visualise key concepts.
Recommended as reading for marketing management executives and post graduate students studying Cororpate Reputation Management an realy useful addition to the Essentials set text.
The book has proved really valuable for the course and will be used going forward.
This text is particularly useful for graduate students because it introduces alternative perspectives, broadening the students' grasp of critical analysis.
The textbook provides an excellent introduction for intermediate to advanced BA students majoring in communications. It challenges conventional and functional perspectives on corporate comunications and provides alternative perspectives on Corporate Communications. The text provides stimulating discussions with integrated case studies and break-out boxes for digging deeper into theory. Highly recommended.
An excellent book which goes way beyond the conventional texts in this area, bringing in new thinking and theories on which to reflect. Particularly excited that it has brought the concept of 'storytelling' into this area.
A very actual edition on the substance of corporate communication, inviting for discussions on main issues in the discipline of corporate communication, such as multiplicity of corporate communications.