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Contemporary Readings in Criminology

Contemporary Readings in Criminology

Edited by:

October 2008 | 352 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Bringing real-world examples into the criminology course, Contemporary Readings in Criminology allows undergraduate students to read about major topics in criminology in the words of the original authors.

Selected from well respected sociology and criminology journals (including SAGE social science journals), the book's readings have been edited to make them more user friendly and were vetted by a criminology instructor advisory board to ensure quality. A topic guide helps instructors better integrate the material into the course, and well-crafted section openers place each article in context.

Key Features
  • Introduces students to criminological research and methodology through edited, accessible articles that examine explanations for criminality via contemporary topics
  • Includes articles on crime typology (drawn from popular sources such as newspapers) that address violent crime and terrorism, property crime, white-collar and organized crime, and public order crimes
  • Contains unique pedagogy not found in other readers, including a preface, article abstracts, topic guide, a detailed list of additional Web resources, section openers, and end-of-article discussion questions

Intended Audience

Contemporary Readings in Criminology is appropriate for a wide variety of criminology courses, including the introductory course, as well as criminal theory or special topics courses.

I. Introduction
Chris Eskridge
1. The State of the Field of Criminology: A Brief Essay
Jane A. Siegel and Linda M. Williams
2. The Relationship Between Child Sexual Abuse and Female Delinquency and Crime: A Prospective Study
Eben M. Ingram
3. A Comparison of Help Seeking Between Latino and Non-Latino Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
II. Classical Criminology (Choice Theory)
Marissa C. Potchak, Jean M. McGloin and Kristen M. Zgoba
4. A Spatial Analysis of Criminal Effort: Auto Theft in Newark, New Jersey
Don Hummer
5. Serious Criminality at U.S. Colleges and Universities: An Application of the Situational Perspective
Majid Yar
6. The Novelty of "Cybercrime": An Assessment in Light of Routine Acitivity Theory
III. Positivism
Nicole Rafter
7. The Murderous Dutch Fiddler: Criminology, History, and the Problem of Phrenology
Robert Plomin and Kathryn Asbury
8. Nature and Nurture: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Behavior
David P. Farrington
9. A Short History of Randomized Experiments in Criminology: A Meager Feast
IV. Psychological Theories
Laura Manuel and Paul D. Retzlaff
10. Psychopathology and Tattooing Among Prisoners
Laurence Miller
11. The Terrorist Mind II: Typologies, Psychopathologies, and Practical Guidelines for Investigation
V. Social Structure Perspective
Section A. Strain

Wan-Nang Bao, Ain Haas and Yijun Pi
12. Life Strain, Coping and Delinquency in People's Republic of China: An Empirical Test of General Strain Theory from a Matching Perspective in Social Support
Pamela Preston
13. Marijuana Use as a Coping Response to Psychological Strain: Racial, Gender and Ethnic Differences Among Young Adults
Section B. Disorganization

William Terrill and Michael D. Reisig
14. Neighborhood Context and Police Use of Force
Justin W. Patchin, Beth M. Heubner, John D. MucCluskey, Sean P. Varano and Timothy S. Bynum
16. Exposure to Community Violence and Childhood Delinquency
Section C. Subculture

Michelle Gourley
17. A Subcultural Study of Reacreational Ecstasy Use
Lance Hannon
18. Race, Victim Precipitated Homocicde and the Subculture of Violence Thesis
VI. Social Process Perspective
Section A. Social Learning

Tammy Castle and Christopher Hensley
19. Serial Killers with Military Experience: Applying Learning Theory to Serial Murder
Allison T. Chappell and Alex R. Piquero
21. Applying Social Learning Theory to Police Misconduct
Section B. Labeling and Reintegrative Shaming

Patricia Fund
23. On the Effective Use of Stigma as a Crime Deterrent
Xiaoming Chen
24. Social Control in China: Applications of the Labeling Theory and the Reintegrative Shaming Theory
Section C. Social Control/Bond

John R. Hepburn and Marie L Griffin
25. Effect of Social Bonds on Successful Adjustment to Probation: An Event History Analysis
Douglas Longshore, Eunice Chang, Shih-chao Hseih and Nena Messina
26. Self Control and Social Bonds: A Combined Control Perspective on Deviance
Section D. Self Control

L. Thomas Winfree, Jr., Terrance J. Taylor, Ni He and Finn-Aage Esbensen
27. Self-Control and Variability Over Time: Multivariate Results using a 5-year, Multi-site Panel of Youths
VII. Life Course Theory
Brent B. Benda, Nancy J. Toombs and Mark Peacock
28. Distinguishing Graduates from Dropouts and Dismissals: Who Fails Boot Camp
Marilyn Brown
29. Gender, Ethnicity, and Offending over the Life Course: Women's Pathways to Prison in the Aloha State
VIII. Cultural Criminology
Nickie D. Phillips and Staci Strobl
30. Cultural Criminology and Kryptonite: Apolcalyptic and Retributive Constructions of Crime and Justice in Comic Books
Moira Peelo
31. Framing Homocide Narratives in Newspapers: Mediated Witness and the Construction of Virtual Victimhood
IX. Crime Policy
Karim Ismaili
32. Contextualizing the Criminal and Justice Policy-Making Process
X. The Future of Criminology
Vincenzo Ruggiero
33. Criminalizing War: Crimonology as Ceasefire
XI. Crime Typologies
Section A. Violent Crime & Terrorism

Adam Liptak
35. Serving Life for Providing Car to Killers
Patrick Jonsson
36. Police Fatalities on the rise in '07
Davi Kocieniewski
37. With Witnesses at Risk, Murder Suspects Go Free
Section B. Property Crime

Jim Dwyer
38. Dragnet that Ensnares Good Samaritans, Too
Simon M. Fass and Janice Francis
39. Where Have All the Hot Goods Gone? The Role of Pawnshops
Section C. White Collar & Organized Crime

Damien Cave
40. Nonstop Theft and Bribery Stagger Iraq
Bruce Livesey
41. As One Mafia Fades, Italy Faces Another
Section D. Public Order Crimes

Bruce Lambert
42. As Prostititutes Turn to Craigslist, Law Takes Notice
Ken Belson
44. New York Gambling Treatment Court Stresses Help

Combo text and reader works well and keeps student costs down!

Debra Polanco
Everett CC
Everett, WA

Debra Polanco
Social Sci Communications Div, Everett Community College
April 14, 2010

Sage College Publishing

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