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Susan R. Beauchamp Baran

Susan R. Beauchamp spent 20 years in television and radio before beginning her  teaching career. She worked in  numerous markets including Philadelphia, Boston, Los Angeles, and New York as a producer, writer, reporter, and anchor.  Susan focused her graduate studies in the field of media literacy and through service-learning courses has created media education curricula for K-12 schools. As a lecturer in the Communication Department at Bryant University, she developed the department’s media literacy curriculum and  has been an active member of the National Association of Media Literacy Education. Susan also instructs on media and culture  topics for external programs such as OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) at the University of Rhode Island and has taught at a number of colleges. She writes a monthly newsletter, Baby Boomerang, for the online platform Substack. Susan has  received a number of awards, including Bryant’s Excellence in Teaching Award.