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Clark, Shawn

Shawn Berry Clark

As an alumna of the University of South Carolina, Shawn Berry Clark’s academic degrees include: Bachelor's of Science in Psychology, Master's of Education in Early Childhood, Master's of Education in Education Administration, and PhD in Education Administration. Her career moves include working in the following areas: participant with the Youth Diversion Project for at-risk youth at USC, youth counselor at The Boys and Girls Club, teacher at USC Children's Center and Webber Elementary School, and administrator at Saluda Middle School for 11 years. Currently, Shawn serves as Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Saluda County Schools.


Shawn serves on the board of the South Carolina Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and the South Carolina Association of School Administrators. She has led professional learning sessions at the local, regional, state, and national levels on topics such as classroom observations and the use of video, formative assessment, common core state standards, and quality feedback. As a former two-time high school dropout, Shawn knows the meaning of not having a quality education and has devoted her life to making school the best possible experience for all students.


Shawn and her husband live in Johnston, South Carolina along with Zeus and Titan (their amazing canines). She is the mother of 2 incredible adults, Peyton Love and Dana Kippel - her two main reasons for proving to others that education is the key to having choices in life. Shawn can be reached at or