Alfredo De Massis IMD Business School, Switzerland and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Prof. Alfredo De Massis is Professor of Entrepreneurship & Family Business and the Founding Director of the Centre for Family Business Management at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. He is also affiliated with Lancaster University Management School, UK. His research focuses on innovation and strategic management of family enterprises. In September 2015, Family Capital ranked him among the world’s top 25 star professors for family business. He serves as Associate Editor of Family Business Review and his research has been published widely in leading academic and professional journals including AMJ, SMJ, JOM, JMS, JBV, ETP, RP, JPIM, AMP, FBR, JBE, CMR, AMLE and has been featured in various media outlets including Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, CNBC, Il Sole24Ore, Porta a Porta (RAI 1). He has guest edited 20+ special issues in leading management journals (the most recent ones in SMJ and JMS).