Understanding Cultural Diversity in the Early Years
- Peter Baldock - Education Consultant, Sheffield
Inclusion/ Mainstreaming
Taking the discussion about cultural diversity beyond the usual topics of anti-racism and inclusion but without overlooking these issues, Understanding Cultural Diversity in the Early Years considers current debates around the alleged failure of multiculturalism, and encourages practitioners to utilize their own cultural backgrounds and experiences as a way of developing their teaching.
With an optimistic outlook, and focusing on the advantages for learning that cultural diversity can offer, the book discusses the concepts of culture, multi-culturalism and inter-cultural competence, and describes the principles that underpin good practice. It is packed full of case studies from a variety of early years settings, with ideas to try out and interactive exercises to aid reflection.
Issues covered in the book include:
- addressing cultural diversity in staff meetings, and on short training courses
- planning a critical audit of your setting
- working with parents from a variety of cultural backgrounds
- how to explain diversity to young children
- the overwhelmingly white British setting
- settings where white British children are in the minority
- curriculum developments in different parts of the UK, post-devolution
Written for all early childhood students and early years practitioners, it is relevant to anyone interested in inclusion, society and global citizenship.
'This book is very useful; the activities are thought-provoking and developmental throughout, and the examples are very helpful. I think it is timely, and it fills a niche' - Janet Kay, Principal Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University
Great read and super to reference - a must have!
Will be very helpful for my students undertaking EDI modules
A very useful book for students studying on the Foundation Degree in Early Years. The book is well written and covers some of the relevant module assessment criteria.
Diversity and inclusion
Excellent text - highly recommended for specific courses as well as broad overview for anyone working with children.
This case studies will be useful to use within seminar sessions with Early Years students as an aid to reflective on practice
Useful tool for the Equality and Diversity module
Useful for the equality and diversity module and very interesting perspectives discussed regarding culture and expectations
An inspiring and interesting book, includes lots of exercises to support development and discussion. A great resource.
This text provides the reader with a thought provoking journey throught the current issues in cultural diversity. The interactive exercises provide readers with an opportunity to explore their own concepts of culture,in order to become culturally competent in practice.