What Students and Instructors are saying

This is the smoothest student onboarding process I have ever experienced. Everything is syncing and the students were able to figure things out with almost no help from me.

—Echo Leaver, Instructor, Salisbury University

It really helps you wrap your head around what you're learning [for] a complete understanding of the course material.

—Aubrey Akins, Student, St. Bonaventure University

With Vantage, I set up my course in under 10 minutes, which is unheard of...I love Vantage!

—Karin Machluf, Instructor, Penn State Scranton

Student performance after implementing Vantage is incredible...this is a really tangible way to see that.

—Karen Deeming, Instructor, Merced College, Instructor

My learners said it forced them to read…they really enjoyed the interactive nature of the program.

—Daniel Amoruso, Instructor, Boise State University

10-minute course set-up…I love Vantage!

—Karin Machluf, Instructor, Penn State Scranton

I am really excited to have tools that help motivate students to actually do the reading…

—Emily Hopkins, Instructor, University of Scranton, Psychology

...Really going to deepen students’ understanding and...boost their comprehension.

—Daniel Okamura, Instructor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Sociology

I have used every other major digital platform that exists, and I can say that Vantage has no equal.

—William Parent, Instructor, San Jacinto College