
Business Cases

A global collection of 6,800+ cases representing diverse perspectives

Business Cases brings business to life, inspiring users to develop their own best practices and to prepare for professional success. Our editorially curated collection covers emerging and underserved topics, moving beyond the typical boardroom to represent a diverse and global business environment to practically demonstrate how theories are applied in real organizations.


Advantages of using Business Cases

  • Access a multidisciplinary collection of more than 6,800 cases from more than 120 countries
  • Develop a detailed appreciation of core concepts at work through video, data, and audio resources alongside the text
  • Keep pace with topical and developing business issues with short, news-driven Express Cases
  • Learn from true stories of business success and setback from industries around the world
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Sage Original: Digital Entertainment Series

Sage Original: Digital Entertainment Series

Glostars: How to Grow and Internationalize a Digital Start-up?


Business Cases

Business Cases

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Sage Business Cases' diversity, equity, and inclusion pledge, and our product priorities

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