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Media Power in Politics

Media Power in Politics

Edited by:

August 2010 | 480 pages | CQ Press

Once again, Doris Graber brings readers the most thought-provoking and recent scholarship about the actual power of the media in the real world of politics. With approximately 35 essays, half of them new to this edition, the selections reflect the latest changes in American politics, in American media platforms, and in the interactions between political actors and journalists.

Examining these changes and assessing their political significance, this new sixth edition includes coverage of:

  • the influence of non-professional citizen journalists;
  • a look ahead at media development in the next decade; 
  • the public’s growing disdain for the media and its effect on the media’s influence;
  • old and new media’s impact on political participation;
  • media and the 2008 presidential election; 
  • interest groups’ power to control news selection;
  • media happenings at the state and local levels;
  • lobbyists’ efforts to derail updates to media laws and regulations.

Bruce Bimber
1. How Information Shapes Political Institutions
Jonathan McDonald Ladd and Gabriel S. Lenz
2. Documenting the Persuasive Power of the News Media
Michael Schudson
3. Why Democracies Need an Unlovable Press
Michael Gurevitch, Stephen Coleman, and Jay G. Blumler
4. Political Communication - Old and New Media Relationships
Alex S. Jones
5. Losing the News: The Future of the News that Feeds Democracy
Steven Livingston, Kaye Sweetser Tramell and David D. Perlmutter
6. What Amateur Journalism Means for International Affairs
Benjamin I. Page, Robert Y. Shapiro, and Glenn R. Dempsey
7. What Moves Public Opinion?
Paul Gronke and Timothy Cook
8. Disdaining the Media: The American Public's Changing Attitudes toward the News
Matthew A. Baum
9. How Soft News Brings Policy Issues to the Inattentive Public
Frank D. Gilliam Jr. and Shanto Iyengar
10. News Coverage Effects on Public Opinion about Crime
Jill A. Edy and Patrick C. Meirick
11. Wanted, Dead or Alive: Media Frames, Frame Adoption, and Support for the War in Afghanistan
Markus Prior
12. Audience Fragmentation and Political Inequality in the Post-Broadcast Media Environment
Maria Elizabeth Grabe and Erik Page Bucy
13. News and the Visual Framing of Elections
Darrell M. West
14. Learning about the Candidates
Thomas E. Patterson
15. The Miscast Institution
Rachel Gibson
16. New Media and the Revitalisation of Politics
Nicolle Wallace and Anita Dunn
17. Electing the President 2008: The Insiders’ View
Larry J. Sabato
18. Open Season: How the News Media Cover Presidential Campaigns in the Age of Attack Journalism
Stephen J. Farnsworth and S. Robert Lichter
19. The Struggle over Shaping the News
David Domke, Erica S. Graham, Kevin Coe, Sue Lockett John, and Ted Coopman
20. Going Public as Political Strategy: The Bush Administration, an Echoing Press, and Passage of the Patriot Act
Patrick J. Sellers
21. Manipulating the Message in the U.S. Congress
Doug McAdam
22. Strategies of the American Civil Rights Movement
Philip Seib
23. The Al Jazeera Effect: How the New Global Media Are Reshaping World Politics
Richard Davis
24. A Symbiotic Relationship: Bloggers and Journalists
Christopher M. Loomis
25. The Politics of Uncertainty: Lobbyists and Propaganda in Early Twentieth-Century America
Robert M. Entman
26. Mediating the Public’s Influence on Foreign Policy
Sean Aday
27. The Real War Will Never Get on Television: An Analysis of Casualty Imagery
Yue Tan and David H. Weaver
28. Local Media, Public Opinion, and State Legislative Policies: Agenda Setting at the State Level
May G. Kennedy, Ann O’Leary, Vicki Beck, Katrina Pollard, and Penny Simpson
29. The Soap Opera Path to Health Policy Goals
Monroe E. Price
30. End of Television and Foreign Policy
Irene Wu
31. What Makes a Communications Regulator Independent and Why It Matters
Patricia Aufderheide
32. Communications Policy and the Public Interest
W. Lance Bennett and William Serrin
33. The Watchdog Role of the Press
Doris A. Graber
34. Terrorism, Censorship, and the First Amendment
Jarol B. Manheim
35. The News Shapers: Strategic Communication as a Third Force in Newsmaking
Helen Z. Margetts
36. The Internet and Public Policy

A first-rate collection of chapters with relevant case studies of the power of media in politics.

Mr 'mthokozisi Ndhlovu
Journalism , National University of Science and Tec
January 14, 2015
Key features

New to this Edition

With approximately 35 essays, half of them new to this edition, the selections in the new edition of Media Power in Politics reflect the latest changes in American politics, in American media platforms, and in the interactions between political actors and journalists. The book also includes coverage of:

  • the influence of non-professional citizen journalists;
  • a look ahead at media development in the next decade;
  • the public's growing disdain for the media and its effect on the media's influence;
  • old and new media's impact on political participation;
  • media and the 2008 presidential election;
  • interest groups' power to control news selection;
  • media happenings at the state and local levels;
  • lobbyists' efforts to derail updates to media laws and regulations.

Sage College Publishing

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