David Garland
The Meaning of Mass Imprisonment
Marc Mauer
The Causes and Consequences of Prison Growth in the United States
Jonathan Simon
Fear and Loathing in Late Modernity
Reflections on the Cultural Sources of Mass Imprisonment in the United States
Thomas Mathiesen
Television, Public Space and Prison Population
A Commentary on Mauer and Simon
Katherine Beckett and Bruce Western
Governing Social Marginality
Welfare Incarceration and the Transformation of State
David Downes
The Macho Penal Economy
Mass Incarceration in the United States- A European Perspective
David Greenberg
Novus ordo saeclorum? A Commentary on Downes, and on Beckett and Western
Lo[ac]ic Wacquant
Deadly Symbiosis
When Ghetto and Prison Meet and Merge
Elijah Anderson
Going Straight
The Story of a Young Inner-City Ex-Convict
Jerome Miller
Bringing the Individual Back In
A Commentary on Wacquant and Anderson
Franklin Zimring
Imprisonment Rates and the New Politics of Criminal Punishment
Michael Tonry
Unthought Thoughts
The Influence of Changing Sensibilities on Penal Policies
James B Jacobs
Facts, Values and Prison Policies
A Commentary on Zimrig and Tonry
Alex Lichtenstein
The Private and the Public in Penal History
A Commentary on Zimrig and Tonry
Alex Garland