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Journal of Mixed Methods Research

Journal of Mixed Methods Research

eISSN: 15586901 | ISSN: 15586898 | Current volume: 18 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly



For details about developing and including critical elements of publishable manuscripts in the Journal of Mixed Methods Research (JMMR), please read this editorial. Submitting authors are encouraged also to review and include with their submission a checklist of elements found in successful articles.


Mixed methods research is defined as research in which the investigator collects and analyzes data, integrates the findings, and draws inferences using both qualitative and quantitative approaches or methods in a single study or program of inquiry.

The JMMR is an innovative, quarterly, international publication that focuses on empirical methodological articles, methodological/theoretical articles, research notes and commentaries about mixed methods research across the social, behavioral, health, and human sciences.

Article types published include:

  • Original mixed methods research that fits the definition of mixed methods research; explicitly integrates quantitative and qualitative dimensions of the study; makes a novel methodological contribution to mixed methods research; and adds to a substantive area in the scholar’s field of inquiry
  • Methodological/theoretical topics that advance knowledge about mixed methods research and integration, such as mixed methods research/evaluation questions, types of designs, sampling and/or measurement procedures, approaches to data analysis, drawing metainferences, theory, validity/research integrity, software applications, paradigm stances, writing approaches, and value and use of mixed methods research
  • Prevalence studies that are a type of methodological manuscript which systematically examine the adoption and use of mixed methods research
  • Research Notes that are brief articles with a focus on a specific or narrowly framed concept, methodological innovation or application
  • Commentaries that provide an alternative interpretation, application, or expansion of ideas raised previously in a JMMR original article and will entail a response from the index author(s)
  • Media Reviews that critically evaluate the content, quality, and value of textbooks, software, or other media, such as websites, companion material, and video series
  • Special Issues that are a group of articles focused on a specific topic about mixed methods research and are led and managed by one or more guest editors
  • Virtual Special Issues that have assembled previously published JMMR articles and editorials are listed online together about a particular theme of relevance to mixed methods research such as the inaugural virtual special issue on paradigms.

The Journal of Mixed Methods Research's scope includes

  • Exploring terminology and nomenclature used in mixed methods research
  • Providing a forum for discussion of parameters effecting mixed methods research
  • Creating and interpreting paradigmatic and philosophical foundations for mixed methods research
  • Illuminating theory, design, procedural, and analysis issues
  • Determining the logistics of conducting mixed methods research
  • Investigating approaches for integration in multiple dimensions of mixed methods research

The editorial board consists of distinguished international researchers in the social, behavioral, health, and human sciences with expertise in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. Editorial board members' names and affiliations are found under the Editorial Board link.

The JMMR is a premiere outlet for ground-breaking and seminal work in the field of mixed methods research, as well as a primary forum for the growing community of international and multidisciplinary scholars of mixed methods research.

The Journal of Mixed Methods Research (JMMR) serves as a premiere outlet for ground-breaking and seminal work in the field of mixed methods research. Of primary importance is building an international and multidisciplinary community of mixed methods researchers. The journal's scope includes developing and exploring the dimensions of integration in mixed methods research, generating a global terminology and nomenclature for mixed methods research, delineating where mixed methods research may be used most effectively, creating the paradigmatic and philosophical foundations for mixed methods research, illuminating design and procedure issues, and determining the logistics of conducting mixed methods research. The journal features articles from a wide variety of international perspectives, including academics and practitioners from psychology, sociology, education, evaluation, health sciences, geography, communication, management, family studies, marketing, social work, and other related disciplines across the social, behavioral, health, arts and human sciences.

Submission types:

  • Original mixed methods research manuscripts in the social, behavioral, health, arts and human sciences that:
    • identify and support with a substantive literature review a unique contribution to mixed methods research;
    • fit the definition of mixed methods research by collecting and analyzing data, integrating the findings, and drawing inferences using both qualitative and quantitative approaches or methods;
    • provide a design figure of the mixed methods procedures;
    • explicitly integrate the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the study;
    • delineate how the study makes a contribution to a substantive area in the scholar’s field of inquiry; and
    • discuss explicitly how the research makes a novel contribution to literature on mixed methods research.

Original research manuscripts that do not articulate a specific methodological purpose, or fail to show integration and discuss a novel contribution to the mixed methods literature will be returned to the author(s).

  • Methodological / theoretical research manuscripts that advance knowledge about mixed methods research, such as:
    • Types of research/evaluation questions
    • Types of designs
    • Sampling and/or measurement procedures
    • Approaches to data analysis and drawing metainferences
    • Validity and research integrity
    • Software applications
    • Paradigm stance
    • Writing approaches
    • The value and use of mixed methods research
    • Theoretical lenses
    • Cultural issues
    • Ethical issues
    • Quality in mixed methods research
    • Prevalence studies (see below)

Methodological/theoretical manuscripts that do not articulate a specific methodological purpose, or fail to review relevant literature and discuss a novel contribution to the mixed methods literature will be returned to the author(s).

  • Mixed methods research prevalence manuscripts that are a type of methodological manuscript which systematically examines the adoption and use of mixed methods research and:
    • specify a methodological aim and define how the chosen disciplinary focus addresses that aim;
    • conduct a rigorous literature review to identify the MMR literature relevant to the MMR prevalence study
    • present findings in a format that illustrates the methodological issues;
    • interpret the value of the prevalence study in the field of the authors and reflect about how it advances understanding about MMR methodology.

  • Research notes manuscripts developed with a focus on a specific concept of methodological innovation relevant to mixed methods research that:
    • follow the structure of an original mixed methods research or methodological/theoretical paper;
    • articulate a methodological gap, need or challenge faced in using mixed methods research;
    • review succinctly literature relevant to the methodological gap, need or challenge;
    • provide a brief review of the substantive topic content sufficiently to illustrate the methodological context; and
    • illustrate the innovation through examples and rhetoric.

Research notes manuscripts that do not articulate a specific methodological purpose, or fail to review relevant literature and discuss a novel contribution to the mixed methods literature will be returned to the author(s).

  • Commentaries authored in response to recently published articles in the JMMR that provide an alternative interpretation, application, or expansion of ideas raised previously in an original article

  • Media reviews that critically evaluate the content, quality, and value of textbooks, software, or other media, such as websites, companion material, and video series that are of interest to mixed methods researchers

  • Special issues that comprise a group of articles focused on a specific topic about mixed methods research that are typically led and managed by one or more guest editors in consultation with the editors

  • Virtual Special Issues­­­­ that are a group of related and previously published JMMR articles and editorials that have been assembled and listed online together about a particular theme of relevance to mixed methods research, e.g., the inaugural virtual special issue on paradigms.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication ­­Ethics (COPE).

Co-Editors in Chief
Sergi Fàbregues Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Timothy C. Guetterman University of Michigan, USA
José F. Molina-Azorin Department of Management, University of Alicante, Spain
Associate Editors
Mandy M. Archibald University of Manitoba, Canada
Nataliya V. Ivankova The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Tyler G. James University of Michigan, USA
Vicki L. Plano Clark University of Cincinnati, OH, USA
Cheryl Poth University of Alberta, Canada
Judith Schoonenboom University of Vienna, Austria
Peggy Shannon-Baker Georgia Southern University, USA
Huso Yi National Univeristy of Singapore, Singapore
Ahtisham Younas Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Managing Editor
Satoko Motohara University of Michigan, MI, USA
Media Editor
Analay Perez University of Michigan, USA
Editorial Board
Michael Bamberger Independent Consultant
Patricia Bazeley Western Sydney University, Australia
Gert Biesta The University of Edinburgh, UK
Thomas W. Christ University of Bridgeport, CT, USA
Kathleen M. T. Collins University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, AR, USA
Leslie A. Curry Yale University, CT, USA
Denise O'Neil Green Ryerson University, Canada
Hisako Kakai Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan
Olatz López-Fernández UNED, Spain
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie  
Linda S. Mabry Washington State University, WA
Joseph A. Maxwell George Mason University, VA
Arden M. Morris Stanford University, USA
Katrin Niglas Tallinn University, Estonia
Susan Parnell Global Challenges Research Professor, School of Geography, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Michael Quinn Patton Utilization-Focused Evaluation, Saint Paul, MN
Rogério M. Pinto University of Michigan, MI, USA
Tonette S. Rocco Florida International University, USA
Charles Teddlie Louisiana State University, USA
Linda Thurston Kansas State University, KS, USA
Jennifer Wisdom The George Washington University, DC, USA
Michael Woolcock University of Manchester, UK
Yuchun Zhou Ohio University, OH, USA
Founding Editors
John W. Creswell Department of Family Medicine, University of Michigan
Abbas Tashakkori University of North Texas, USA
Additional Past Editors
Manfred Max Bergman University of Basel, Switzerland
Michael D. Fetters Mixed Methods Program & Family Medicine, University of Michigan, USA
Dawn Freshwater Vice-Chancellor, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Donna Mertens Gallaudet University, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • PsycINFO
  • Royal College of Nursing Journals
  • Scopus
  • Social SciSearch
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • Social Services Abstracts
  • Social Work Abstracts
  • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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