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Journal of Marketing

Journal of Marketing

Published in Association with American Marketing Association
Other Titles in:
Business & Management | Marketing

eISSN: 15477185 | ISSN: 00222429 | Current volume: 89 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Bi-monthly

The Journal of Marketing (JM) develops and disseminates knowledge about real-world marketing questions useful to scholars, educators, managers, policy makers, consumers, and other societal stakeholders around the world. It is the premier outlet for substantive research in marketing. Since its founding in 1936, JM has played a significant role in shaping the content and boundaries of the marketing discipline. Read the complete JM Editorial Cornerstones.

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Our editorial philosophy builds on the Journal of Marketing’s distinguished legacy while seeking to foster the next generation of marketing thought. We view ourselves as stewards of JM and will follow six editorial cornerstones during our tenure as editors.

Editor in Chief
Srihari Sridhar Texas A&M University, USA
Cait Lamberton University of Pennsylvania, USA
Detelina Marinova University of Missouri, USA
Vanitha Swaminathan University of Pittsburgh, USA
Advisory Board
Rajesh Chandy London Business School
Pradeep Chintagunta University of Chicago, USA
Rajdeep Grewal University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Mike Hanssens University of California, Los Angeles
Ajay Kohli Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
John Lynch University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Murali Mantrala University of Kansas, USA
Christine Moorman Duke University, USA
Robert Palmatier University of Washington, USA
Linda Price University of Wyoming, USA
Harald van Heerde University of New South Wales, Australia
AMA Vice President of Publications
Roland Rust University of Maryland, USA
Associate Editors
Michael Ahearne University of Houston, USA
Kusum Ailawadi Dartmouth College, USA
Anocha Aribarg University of Michigan, USA
Alixandra Barasch University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Simon Blanchard Georgetown University, USA
Bryan Bollinger New York University, USA
Simona Botti London Business School, UK
Amitava Chattopadhyay INSEAD – Europe Campus, Boulevard de Constance, Fontainebleau, France
Pradeep Chintagunta University of Chicago, USA
Kristin Diehl University of Southern California, USA
Amber Epp University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Marc Fischer University of Cologne, Germany
Christoph Fuchs University of Vienna, Austria
Frank Germann University of Notre Dame, USA
Kelly Goldsmith Vanderbilt University, USA
Dhruv Grewal Babson College, USA
David A. Griffith Texas A&M University, USA
Michael Haenlein ESCP Europe, France
Kelly Haws Vanderbilt University, USA
Jan Heide University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Donna Hoffman George Washington University, USA
Christian Homburg University of Mannheim, Germany
Ming-Hui Huang National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ashlee Humphreys Northwestern University, USA
P.K. Kannan University of Maryland, USA
Vamsi Kanuri University of Notre Dame, USA
Ajay K. Kohli Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Praveen Kopalle Dartmouth College, USA
Robert Kozinets University of Southern California, USA
Alok Kumar University of Nebraska, USA
Krista Li Indiana University, USA
Girish Mallapragada Indiana University, USA
Martin Mende Arizona State University, USA
Robert Meyer University of Pennsylvania, USA
Debanjan Mitra University of Connecticut, USA
Sarah Moore University of Alberta, Canada
Andrea Morales Arizona State University, USA
Neil Morgan University of Wisconsin, USA
Brian Murtha University of Kentucky, USA
Oded Netzer Columbia University, USA
Grant Packard York University, Canada
Neeru Paharia Arizona State University, USA
Vanessa M. Patrick University of Houston, USA
Adithya Pattabhiramaiah Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Connie Pechmann University of California - Irvine, USA
Stefano Puntoni Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Aric Rindfleisch University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, USA
Roland Rust University of Maryland, USA
Maura Scott The Arizona State University, USA
Rebecca Slotegraaf Indiana University, USA
Alina Sorescu Texas A&M University, USA
S. Sriram University of Michigan, USA
Claudia Townsend University of Miami, USA
Michael Trusov University of Maryland, USA
Nita Umashankar San Diego State University, USA
Francesca Valsesia University of Washington, USA
Ralf Van der Lans Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Rajkumar Venkatesan University of Virginia, USA
Xin (Shane) Wang Virginia Tech, USA
Caleb Warren University of Arizona, USA
Manjit S. Yadav Texas A&M University, USA
Sha Yang University of Southern California, USA
Jie Zhang University of Maryland, USA
Jonathan Z. Zhang Colorado State University, USA
Developmental Editors
Anindita Chakravarty University of Georgia, USA
Sandeep Chandukala Singapore Management University, Singapore
Kathleen Cleeren KU Leuven, Belgium
Emily Garbinsky Cornell University, USA
Mahima Hada City University of New York, USA
Colleen Harmeling Florida State University, USA
Kelly Herd University of Connecticut, USA
Son Lam University of Georgia, USA
Shijie Lu University of Notre Dame, USA
Andrea Ordanini Bocconi University, Italy
Simone Wies Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
Keith Wilcox Texas A&M University, USA
Editorial Review Board
Pankaj Aggarwal University of Toronto, Canada
Michelle Andrews Emory University, USA
Kersi Antia Western University, Canada
Jennifer Argo University of Alberta, Canada
Zeynep Arsel John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Canada
Eva Ascarza Harvard University, USA
Rajesh Bagchi Virginia Tech, USA
Fleura Bardhi City University of London, UK
Yakov Bart Northeastern University, USA
Suman Basuroy Michigan State University, USA
Rajeev Batra University of Michigan, USA
Barry Bayus University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Joshua Beck University of Oregon, USA
Simon Bell University of Melbourne, Australia
Silvia Bellezza Columbia University, USA
Jonah Berger University of Pennsylvania, USA
Sundar Bharadwaj University of Georgia, USA
C. B. Bhattacharya University of Pittsburgh, USA
Tammo Bijmolt University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Dipayan Biswas University of South Florida, USA
Lauren Block Baruch College, USA
Willy Bolander Texas A&M University, USA
Lisa E. Bolton Pennsylvania State University, USA
Andrea Bonezzi New York University, USA
Abhishek Borah INSEAD, France
Tonya Bradford University of California, Irvine, USA
Michael Brady Florida State University, USA
Norris Bruce University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Anindita Chakravarty University of Georgia, USA
Kimmy Chan Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Pierre Chandon INSEAD, France
Deepa Chandrasekaran University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Sandeep Chandukala Singapore Management University, Singapore
Rajesh Chandy London Business School, UK
Amar Cheema University of Virginia, USA
Haipeng Chen University of Iowa, USA
Yixing Chen University of Notre Dame, USA
Kathleen Cleeren KU Leuven, Belgium
Anatoli Colicev University of Liverpool, UK
Robin Coulter University of Connecticut, USA
Samantha Cross Babson College, USA
Darren Dahl University of British Columbia, Canada
Hannes Datta Tilburg University, Netherlands
Barbara Deleersnyder Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Xiaoyan Deng Ohio State University, USA
Michaela Draganska Drexel University, USA
Rod Duclos Western University, Canada
Kristen Duke University of Toronto, Canada
Peter Ebbes HEC Paris, France
Giana Eckhardt King’s College London, UK
Alexander Edeling KU Leuven, Belgium
Ryan Elder Brigham Young University, USA
Fred Feinberg University of Michigan, USA
Rosellina Ferraro University of Maryland, USA
Eileen Fischer York University, Canada
Robert Fisher University of Alberta, Canada
Beth Fossen Indiana University, USA
Shankar Ganesan University of Notre Dame, USA
Emily Garbinsky Cornell University, USA
Dinesh K. Gauri University of Arkansas, USA
Mrinal Ghosh University of Arizona, USA
Manpreet Gill University of South Carolina, USA
Jacob Goldenberg Reichman University, Israel
Peter Golder Dartmouth College, USA
Joseph Goodman Ohio State University, USA
Shyam Gopinath University of Iowa, USA
Amir Grinstein Northeastern University, USA
Johannes Habel University of Houston, USA
Mahima Hada City University of New York, USA
Bruce Hardie London Business School, UK
Colleen Harmeling Florida State University, USA
Thorsten Hennig-Thurau University of Muenster, Germany
Kelly Herd University of Connecticut, USA
Kelly Hewett University of Tennessee, USA
Arvid Hoffmann University of Adelaide, Australia
Sebastian Hohenberg University of Münster, Germany
Christian Hughes University of Notre Dame, USA
Michael Hui University of Macau, China
John Hulland University of Georgia, USA
Iris Hung Fudan University, China
Chris Hydock California Polytechnic State University, USA
Julie Irwin University of Oregon, USA
Ramkumar Janakiraman North Carolina State University, USA
Sandy Jap Emory University, USA
Bernard Jaworski Claremont Graduate University, USA
Satish Jayachandran University of South Carolina, USA
Gita Johar Columbia University, USA
Leslie John Harvard University, USA
Yogesh Joshi University of Maryland, USA
Kartik Kalaignanam University of South Carolina, USA
Constantine Katsikeas University of Leeds, UK
Punam Keller Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, USA
Blair Kidwell University of North Texas, USA
Sara Kim University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Anne Klesse Erasmus University, the Netherlands
Irina Kozlenkova University of Virginia, USA
Harley Krohmer University of Bern, Switzerland
Tarun Kushwaha University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA
Son Lam University of Georgia, USA
Andreas Lanz University of Basel, Switzerland
Ju-Yeon Lee Iowa State University, USA
Leonard Lee National University of Singapore, Singapore
Don Lehmann Columbia University, USA
Katherine N. Lemon Boston College, USA
Robert Leone Texas Christian University, USA
Michael Lewis Emory University, USA
Shibo Li Indiana University, USA
Barak Libai Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel
Donald Lichtenstein University of Colorado - Boulder, USA
Peggy Liu University of Pittsburgh, USA
Yong Liu University of Arizona, USA
Yuping Liu-Thompkins Old Dominion University, USA
Shijie Lu University of Notre Dame, USA
Stephan Ludwig Monash University, Australia
Lan Luo University of Southern California, USA
Liye Ma University of Maryland, USA
Kelly Martin Colorado State University, USA
James Maxham University of Virginia, USA
Leigh McAlister University of Texas at Austin, USA
Brent McFerran Simon Fraser University, Canada
Shiri Melumad University of Pennsylvania, USA
Saurabh Mishra George Mason University, USA
Vicki G. Morwitz Columbia University, USA
Unnati Narang University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Vishal Narayan University of Connecticut, USA
Sridhar Narayanan Stanford University, USA
Stephanie Noble University of Tennessee, USA
Tom Novak George Washington University, USA
Stephen M. Nowlis Washington University, USA
Joseph Nunes University of Southern California, USA
Nailya Ordabayeva Boston University, USA
Andrea Ordanini Bocconi University, Italy
Dominik Papies University of Tübingen, Germany
Koen Pauwels Northeastern University, USA
J. Andrew Petersen Pennsylvania State University, USA
Davide Proserpio University of Southern California, USA
Akshay Rao University of Minnesota, USA
Brian Ratchford University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Rebecca Reczek The Ohio State University, USA
Lopo Rego Indiana University, USA
Rishika Rishika North Carolina State University, USA
John H. Roberts University of New South Wales, Australia
Maria Rodas University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Oliver Rutz University of Washington, USA
Jun Hyun (Joseph) Ryoo Arizona State University, USA
Alok Saboo Georgia State University, USA
Julian Saint Clair Loyola Marymount University, USA
Hope Schau University of California, Irvine, USA
Lisa Scheer University of Missouri - Columbia, USA
Sankar Sen Baruch College, USA
Julio Sevilla University of Georgia, USA
Denish Shah Georgia State University, USA
Venkatesh Shankar Texas A&M University, USA
Amalesh Sharma Texas A&M University, USA
Qiaowei Shen Peking University, China
Huanhuan Shi Texas A&M University, USA
Jagdip Singh Case Western Reserve University, USA
Bernd Skiera Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Ashish Sood University of California - Riverside, USA
Raji Srinivasan University of Texas at Austin, USA
Shuba Srinivasan Boston University, USA
David Stewart Loyola Marymount University, USA
Baohong Sun Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, China
Sarang Sunder Indiana University, USA
Nader Tavassoli London Business School, UK
Gerry Tellis University of Southern California, USA
Jacquelyn Thomas Southern Methodist University, USA
Craig Thompson University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Debora Thompson Georgetown University, USA
Seshadri Tirunillai University of Houston, USA
Christophe Van den Bulte University of Pennsylvania, USA
Jenny van Doorn University of Groningen, Netherlands
Stijin Van Osselaer Cornell University, USA
Franziska Volckner University of Cologne, Germany
Clay Voorhees University of Alabama, USA
Yajin Wang China Europe International Business School, China
Yanwen Wang University of British Columbia, Canada
Nooshin Warren University of Arizona, USA
Kenneth Wathne University of Stavanger, Norway
Michelle Weinberger Northwestern University, USA
Katherine White University of British Columbia, Canada
Kimberly A. Whitler University of Virginia, USA
Simone Wies Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
Thorsten Wiesel University of Münster, Germany
Kenneth C. Wilbur University of California - San Diego, USA
Keith Wilcox Texas A&M University, USA
Karen Page Winterich Pennsylvania State University, USA
Freeman Wu Vanderbilt University, USA
Stefan Wuyts Pennsylvania State University, USA
Guiyang Xiong Syracuse University, USA
Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Alex Zablah University of Tennessee, USA
Georgios Zervas Boston University, USA
AMA Editorial Staff
T.J. Anderson Academic Content Manager
Jess Barselow Production Editor
Karin Horler Senior Copy Editor
Michelle Kritselis Publisher, Academic Communities and Journals
Marilyn Stone Director, Academic Communities and Journals
Matt Weingarden Exceutive Vice President, Communities and Journals
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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