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Journal of Historical Research in Music Education

Journal of Historical Research in Music Education

eISSN: 23282525 | ISSN: 15366006 | Current volume: 46 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Bi-annually

Founded in 1980, the Journal of Historical Research in Music Education (JHRME) is a peer-reviewed journal that is published twice annually and is the only journal focused solely on advancing research on the history of music education. It is dedicated to publishing original research on the history of music teaching and learning internationally, as well as book and media reviews. Article topics include biographical, pedagogical, curricular, and institutional studies of music education grounded in and informed by historical context. Studies of music education in both formal and informal systems, across cultures, and in all periods of history are welcomed.

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The mission of the Journal of Historical Research in Music Education (JHRME) is to encourage submission of high-quality historical research and bring to the readership reviews of books and media that advance knowledge in history and historiography. The journal serves to publish and disseminate studies that reflect a diverse range of topics spanning various time periods, music teaching and learning environments, and national settings. Authors draw on economic, intellectual, political, social, and cultural perspectives to deepen understanding of music education in historical context. The aim is to provide a scholarly forum that illustrates the value of professional history and historical research to the development of music in school and society.

Marie McCarthy University of Michigan, USA
Book and Media Review Editor
Alan L. Spurgeon University of Mississippi, USA
Editorial Assistant
Corinne Galligan University of Michigan, USA
Editorial Committee
Shelly Cooper University of Nebraska Omaha, USA
David Forrest RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Patrick Freer Georgia State University, USA
Casey L. Gerber University of Oklahoma, USA
Rosemary Golding The Open University, UK
Wilfried Gruhn University of Music, Freiburg, Germany
Jacob Hardesty Rockford University, USA
Phillip Hash Illinois State University, USA
Sondra Wieland Howe Independent Scholar - Minnesota, USA
Bonnie S. Jacobi Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
Alexandra Kertz-Welzel Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany
George McDow Liberty University, Oklahoma, USA
Masafumi Ogawa Yokohama National University, Japan
Paul D. Sanders The Ohio State University at Newark, USA
Rosita M. Sands Columbia College Chicago, USA
Carol Shansky Independent Scholar, New Jersey, USA
Fumiko Shiraishi Iwate University, Japan
Jane Southcott Monash University, Australia
Matthew D. Thibeault The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Patti Tolbert Georgia College & State University, USA
Editorial Advisors
Gordon Cox University of Reading, UK
Jere T. Humphreys Arizona State University, USA
William R. Lee University of Tennessee, USA
Melvin C. Platt University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
Bruce D. Wilson University of Maryland, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • EBSCO: Education Research Complete
  • EBSCO: Education Source
  • EBSCO: TOC Premier
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • ProQuest: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals


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