Discovering Programs for Talent Development
A novel and realistic approach for attaining full-service programming for gifted and talented students!
While many school districts have some programming for gifted students, these students still spend most of their time in general education classrooms, where their talents are unchallenged and underdeveloped. Under the circumstances of limited funds and expanding expectations, what can be done now to meet the needs of the gifted and talented students in our schools?
In answer to this question, Discovering Programs for Talent Development presents sixty-five programs that are readily available in most school districts and communities, and assesses each program's potential for serving the needs of talented students, based on its levels of content acceleration, in-depth topic immersion, and interest exploration.
After reading this book, you will be able to:
- Match students to programs that best correspond with their learning needs, employing Profiles of Ability
- Assemble comprehensive, individualized programs for talent development, using the Program Mosaic Model
- Recognize additional programs that are appropriate for gifted and talented students, based on Parke's Ten Tell-Tale Signs of a Hidden Program
Discovering Programs for Talent Development is an indispensable tool for all educators who want to fill the gaps in gifted education and provide their gifted and talented students with the educational opportunities they need to reach their full potential.