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Brave New Words

Brave New Words
Is Technology the Saviour of Free Speech?

First Edition

April 2010 | 192 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

This issue of Index on Censorship magazine is available for purchase as an individual volume.   

This first SAGE issue, Brave New Words examines the impact of technology - from twitter to CCTV - on free speech, with contributions from many of the world's leading free expression writers, activists and public intellectuals.

Index on Censorship is an award-winning magazine, devoted to protecting and promoting free expression. International in outlook, outspoken in comment, Index on Censorship reports on free expression violations around the world, publishes banned writing and shines a light on vital free expression issues through original, challenging and intelligent commentary and analysis, publishing some of the world's finest writers. Each issue is available for purchase separately, as well as on subscription.

Jo Glanville
Maureen Freely
Secret Histories: Turkey Is Being Forced to Confront Its Past
Giulio D'Eramo
Television Premier: An Interview with Filmmaker Erik Gandini
Rebecca MacKinnon
Google Rules: David Drummond Discusses Free Speech and Policy
Xiao Shu
Lords of Misrule: China's Internet Is a Victim of the Political System
Wen Yunchao
The Art of Censorship: How China Wields Controls Online
Gus Hosein
No Hiding Place: Governments Must Not Be Allowed to Forget Why Privacy Matters
Andrei Soldatov The Internet Is Democracy's Front Line
Ron Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski
Cyber Wars: The Battle for Online Space Turns Critical
Mohammed Khaled
New Gate to Freedom: Egyptian Bloggers have Transformed the Landscape
Martin Rowson
Ian Brown
Beware Self-Regulation: Short-Sighted Policies Are Threatening Online Freedom
Joe McNamee
Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Blocking Child Abuse Websites Won't Solve the Problem
Manlio Cammarata
Red Lines: Online Censorship in Italy Reflects a Dismal Record
Roger Dingledine
Tools of the Trade: How to Beat the Censors at Their Game
Saeed Valadbaygi
Power to the People: Iran Will Not Succeed in Crushing Popular Dissent
David Allen Green
The Copyright Revolt: The Internet Has Subverted the Rules of the Game
Jillo Kadida
Ringing in Change: The Kenyan Government Has Mobile Phones in its Sights
Michael Scammell
Freedom Is Not a Luxury: The Founding of Index on Censorship
Lisa Goldman
Behud: A Writer Replies: Offence, Censorship and the Theatre
Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti
Behud: An Exclusive Extract from the New Play

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ISBN: 9781849207638