American Foreign Policy Traditions
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Brendan O'Connor - University of Sydney, Australia
December 2009 | 1 648 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This four-volume collection brings together the academic writings of scholars who have examined America's foreign policy through the lens of diverse and often contradictory political traditions that stretch back to the founding of the United States, including liberalism, messianism, and isolationism. The selected papers address the historical development of these traditions, their application for understanding contemporary US foreign policy, the emergence of new traditions such as neoconservatism, and the perpetual existence of anti-Americanism.
The Idea of Foreign Policy Traditions
Tradition as Invention
Renée Jeffery
The American Tradition
The American Foreign Policy Tradition
Walter Russell Mead
The New World Order
Henry Kissinger
Colonial Origins of American Diplomatic Principles
Max Savelle
Back to Bedrock: The eight traditions of American statecraft
Walter McDougall
Farewell to the Farewell Address? Or a 'discourse of the permanent and transient in American politics
Michael Dunne
Messianism, Exceptionalism and Realism
Liberty or Exceptionalism (so Called)
Walter McDougall
Messianism, Exemplary and Dynamic
Anatol Lieven
An American Tradition in Foreign Affairs
Norman A. Graebner
The British Inheritance/Enemy
Introduction and the Gyroscope and the Pyramid
Walter Russell Mead
Friendly Fire
Bernard Porter
Washington's Legacy and Unilateralism
Intellectual Foundations of Early American Diplomacy
James Hutson
Unilaterialism, or Isolationalism (so Called)
Walter McDougall
The Hamiltonian Tradition
Hamilton's Way
Walter Russell Mead
The Jeffersonian Tradition
Jefferson and the Diplomacy of the Old Regime and Conquering Without War
Robert Tucker and David Hendrickson
Jefferson and an American Foreign Policy
Walter LaFeber
The Jacksonian Tradition
Antithesis Part 1: The embittered heartland
Anatol Lieven
Taking Center Stage: Southerners and Vietnam, 1954 - 1973
Joseph Fry
The Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny
The Evolution of the Monroe Doctrine from Monroe to Reagan
Walter LaFeber
Destinies and Destinations, 1820-1865
Andreas Stephanson
America Imperialism?
Is there American Imperialism
Dexter Perkins
Imperialism, American Style, 1890-1916
Joseph Fry
Robert Buzzanco
1898 and 1968: The Anti-Imperialists and the Doves
Robert L. Beisner
Open Door Policy and Williams' Extension
Open Door Policy
Mark Atwood Lawrence
The Tragedy of American Diplomacy: Twenty-five years after
Bradford Perkins
The Open Door and American Hegemony in Western Hegemony in Western Europe
Christopher Layne
Isolationism and the Anti-War Tradition
The Isolationist Heritage
C. V. Crabb
The Renunciation of War
Arthur A. Ekirch
The Wilsonian Tradition and American Liberalism
The Connecticut Yankee in the Court of King Arthur
Walter Russell Mead
Liberal Democratic Internationalism
Tony Smith
Hegemony on the Cheap
Colin Dueck
Containment and American Realism
Walter McDougall
Prophets and poseurs
Andrew J. Bacevich
The Past and the Future
Trade Offs
Henry Nau
A History of Anti-Americanism
Brendon O'Connor
Early History: Environmental, Cultural and Political Inferiority
European Anti-Americanism: A brief historical overview
Andrei Markovits
Imagining America
David Kennedy
American Response to the Degeneracy Thesis
James Ceaser
The Age of Contempt
Philippe Roger
America Has Gone Mad: Anti-Americanism in historical perspective
Tony Judt
America and the British Reform Struggle, 1865-7 and Conclusion: The British left and America since Roosevelt
Henry Pelling
Cold War Anti-Americanism
The Pilgrimage to Nicaragua
Paul Hollander
Was De Gaulle Anti-American?
Richard F. Kuisel
Anti-Americanism at Home and Abroad
Henry Fairlie
A Factual Epilogue
William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick
The Changeable Soviet Image of America
Vladimir Shlapentokh
After September 11, 2001
How the World sees America
Richard Crockett
Who's Afraid of Mr. Big?
Josef Joffe
Introduction: The new virulence and popularity
Paul Hollander
America as Super-Villain
Barry Rubin and Judith Colp Rubin
Are We All Americans Now
Robert Singh
Acting Together - Or Alone
Andrew Kohut and Bruce Stokes
The Worst Society That Ever Was
Jean-Francois Revel
Bush and Anti-Americanism
Bush and Anti-Americanism
Brendon O'Connor
George W. Bush, Religion and European Anti-Americanism
D. Jason Bergrenn and Nicol Rae
Anti-Americanism in the Third World
Alvin Z. Rubenstein and Donald E. Smith
Anti-Americanism in Latin America and the Caribbean: False populism or coming full circle?
Alan McPherson
The 3:10 to Yuma
Ana Maria Dopico
'Bradenism' and Beyond: Argentine anti-Americanism, 1945-1953
Glenn J. Dorn
Anti-Americanism in Canada
Kim Richard Nossal
Anti-Americanism in Russia: From Stalin to Putin
Eric Shiraev and Vladislav Zubok
Anti-Americanism in French and European Public Opinion
Gerard Grunberg
Anti-Americanisms in France
Sophie Meunier
Julie E. Sweig
The Anti-American Century
Ivan Krastev
America in Asian Eyes
Warren I. Cohen and Nancy Bernkopf Tucker
Yongmi: Pragmatic anti-Americanism in South Korea
Yongshik Bong
Chinese attitudes toward the United States and Americans
Alastair Iain Johnston and Daniela Stockman
Wilfried Buchta
America, Israel and Anti-Americanism in the Middle East
John Chiddick
American Power and Anti-Americanism in the Middle East
Timothy Mitchell